Thanks again to Steve Sherman Jack Dean from Customer Discovery Ninja. This was the May update that we did email out but never published.

1. Acquisition = 1909 clicks (up from 1303 on March 23) to the MilValChal form point of entry: bitly.com/milvalchal+

2. Activation = 91 people have accepted the challenge directly from the entry point above, submitting at least one interview. This number is up from 51 from our last report. All have been added to this mailing list.

3. Activation / Retention = 918 interviews have been entered in the database, up from 402 interviews at the last update.

4. Retention = 5 people / teams have finished. The only thing only you back from funding, mentorship, and glory...is you!

5. Referral (?) = You can help with this! Encourage any entrepreneur to start the interview process and enter the results here: bit.ly/milvalchal

We're not yet directly measuring referrals but here are some stats:
- We are 35% of the way through the calendar year.
- 9.1% of the way to a goal of 1000 people accepting the challenge (enter at least one interview) in 2015.
- 9.2% of the way to a goal of 10,000 interviews entered for the challenge in 2015.
What has been the biggest challenge for you completing the MilValChal?
Has it been actually getting the interviews?

We have partnered with the bro-founders at Customer Discovery Ninjato help with this problem. They offer on-demand, live interviews with your target customer segment, including one free interview per month. You can find out more and request interviews here:

Request your free on-demand interview


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