The Scientist's Comprehensive List of Questions that MVPs Can answer.

  1. Are we solving a problem?
  2. Do we know who the customer is?
  3. Do we have the right customer segment for this release?
  4. What features should we include?
  5. Will anyone pay for this?
  6. How much will they pay?
  7. Will enough people pay to break even?
  8. Will enough people pay to justify a venture backed model?
  9. Will anyone invest in this?
  10. How much will people invest?
  11. Can we build this?
  12. Can we build this at scale?
  13. How fast can we build this?
  14. How fast can we build this at scale?
  15. Do we still want to build this?
  16. Will people use it the way we expect?


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