1. Yes, ANY TEAM IN THE WORLD... that is the whole point of this.
  2. Yes, the valuation is fixed at a million dollars. Since the exact amount of funding you get is not predetermined like other programs, you have to do some math based on the total amount you get from us. But we want to invest in people who can do math. 
  3. Yes, we will fund ANYONE - but now that we are slowly starting to reveal the program... "Running an experiment" is not as easy as it sounds. There are no tricks, but much is expected from you. 
  4. No, we do not need to sign an agreement for the first experiment. After that we will sign a simple one pager. 
  5. We can only send you money via PayPal or Venmo - we also give you access to our accounts for Google ads and Facebook ads... 
  6. We cannot help you "spread the word" but if you have a metric attached to that we can help you...
  7. We are not a charity and we do not get grants... we expect you to have a reasonable story or belief that our equity will be worth more than zero in the future. 
  8. If you get funded, you will be expected to mentor new members of the program. 

  1. you must use the money to prove something true or false 
  2. you cannot give the money directly to the person on whom you are relying for an action-- we are starting to see this with loans, and focus groups... you cannot say "I am trying to learn if x person likes my product so I am paying them 50 each to do an interview" -- we are still learning ourselves out to stay one step ahead of this with the language but right now we think the rule is - not giving money directly to the subject of the experiment
  3. you must have a photo and bio on your twitter account and FB account  
  4. you must mentor 2 other teams if you actually get funded... 
  5. EVERY decision maker on your team must be on board (we will come back to this next month)

If you are still interested in funding... JOIN US


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