#MILVALCHAL do 100 #custdev interviews for an instant MILLION dollar valuation
Stats and hypotheses so far:
- 100 cold clicks to this link http://bit.ly/milvalchal - 112 to be exact as of Christmas Day http://bit.ly/milvalchal+ (still zero interviews submitted from cold channels)
- on the other hand - we have about 25 teams who have recorded close to 200 interviews in the #MILVALCHAL in less than a month
- all of them get $5,000 in funding as long as they finish
- about 1/5 teams who START the challenge by logging at least one interview are on pace to finish...
- our hypothesis is that long term in 2015, about 1/10 teams will finish the full 100 and 1 in 5 teams will finish the 50 interviews (qualifying for SOME funding but not necessarily half the funding at the same valuation or the full funding at half the valuation)
- with about 1/100 people who see the challenge starting it - that makes our funnel from views to completions about 1/500 which is similar to some accelerators selection // UNLIKE those accelerators however, the selection funnel is SOLELY based on the applicant.
- That has never happened before, all it takes to get funded is a bit of faith that it is real, some hard work, and a willingness to talk to customers.
- Just don't ask questions like this kid from #badsanta