Up to $25,000 in funding at a million dollar seed valuation if you do customer development.
The #MilValChal - a challenge for any startup or entrepreneur to talk to 100 customers and submit the results (for mentors eyes only). Those who accept and finish get $5k funding at a 1m valuation. Here's what people who have accepted the challenge are saying so far:)
If you are creating something new take this exercise and you'll be surprised by its effectiveness #milvalchal https://t.co/eyaEUGOF7P
— Andreas Stokas (@astokas) January 2, 2015
RT @joshschukman: @sunflowerseeeed Thank you! By far the most valuable exercise I've done. Recommend to anyone! #MILvalCHAL
— Josh Schukman (@joshschukman) January 7, 2015
you should be able to do 100 quality interviews in a week if you really know your customer segment and are on the right track @thelexisage
— adamberk (@adamberk) December 9, 2014
@adamberk ok ok i gotchu. I feel that ive got my customer segment pretty much nailed down... but the interviews will tell!!
— Lexi (@thelexisage) December 9, 2014